The cost is WHAT?

As our children get older it becomes more and more difficult to schedule these family trips. One of our sons will have to miss this adventure. He will be beginning his MBA at the University. So our oldest, married daughter quickly let us know that her and her husband would gladly fill in for him. So there will be Six of us traveling. Since there are no gas stations or roads for that matter from the U.S. to Prague, we opted for the quicker more conformist mode of transportation, the airplane. After a few hours with the airline figuring which route would be the best we booked our flight in to Prague and out of Milan Italy for only $98 round trip for each of us. Ok..... wait you are saying.... Did they just make a huge typo? Let us spell it out so there is no confusion... ninety-eight dollars and zero cents. Total. Air, taxes, fees. 

Fireworks over Prague

Now up to this point you were probably thinking this was going to be a cute family blog on how some rich family flew to some exotic European vacation and how jealous you would be as you lived vicariously through their words. We bet we have your attention!

 We don't travel like a normal family and the thing is, anyone can travel this way too, if you know the secrets. These aren't some weird 'join a time-share or travel club that you will never use' type of secrets. They are time tested, every day, any trip kind of secrets you can use too. Now the point of this blog isn't to go through all the nuts and bolts of how we do this, because that would be way too boring and not everyone is going to do it the same way each time. 

There are many different ways to get airfare like we mentioned and one might work better for you than for someone else. So the best place to read on how to accomplish this can be found on our website,, where you will be able to order a copy of our book 'Have Kids-Will Travel' and read how you too can travel like a King for the price of Disneyland or less. 

Currently this is where we sit with our trip... Airfare, done. Michelle found out that Vienna is only 3 hours from Prague and has always wanted to go, so we will spend 4 days in Prague and 3 days in Vienna (what a wonderful husband she has:). We are looking for the best and least expensive mode of transportation now along with accommodations. In our next blog we will fill you in on how those are coming along. We hope this finds you wanting to know more!

 - May all your travels be Free - 

*Originally posted 3/11

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