Living in Australia or a vacation?

We have always loved to travel but is it really so different living in another country? Even for a short while, it is much more like living everyday life back home but you get to miss and APPRECIATE all the 
people and things you left at home while taking the time to love new people, new customs, and embrace other cultural distinctions. We haven't done as many 'Touristy' things while here, as we would on vacation but we fit in what we can.
Here is one of the amazing things we are missing back home. Our little grandson is jumping to his Dad singing to him... too sweet!

We found that being in Australia in most respects isn't much different than the USA, other than driving on the other side of the road and trying to figure out what they are really talking about, even though it is suppose to be English. 

Marissa and I stopped in for lunch after a few hours of working at the Op Shop. Marissa thought this was one of the best veggie sandwiches she has ever had... score!

They had their herbs growing in a box next to where we were sitting... yep, I did take a taste or two.

Marissa and I wanted to have some real Aussie experiences while Dale was working so we volunteered at the Sacred Heart Mission. What they really needed most help with was at their Sacred Heart Mission Op Shops (which is a 2nd hand store filled with clothes, household items, furniture, etc... almost anything you might need). They use the $ donated for the homeless that they serve at their mission. It has been a great to work with these diverse and fun people! Marissa and I not only get to enjoy working with them, feeling like we are making a difference, but also meeting so many different people from countries all over the world that shop there. Marissa had the opportunity to train the new volunteer today on the sales counter... even though it was only her second day.

Marissa working at the Op Shop

You would be surprised at the difficulties of getting cell phones, finding food markets and the like. This however is all part of the experience and a whirlwind it has been. Luckily people in Australia are very friendly and willing to lend a hand. 

This little boy was so intent on his photography, I couldn't help myself in capturing a photo of him.

Simple things may be a bit different, even like the mail person... I just had to take this photo because there was such mix of colors. 

We took a little walk on a back walkway after dinner one night and found this fun wall of graffiti. We didn't ever think we would say graffiti was beautiful but Melbourne has proven that it can be.

So far the transportation system of trams, busses, and trains make it easy to just about anywhere. We do have a car but many times it is easier to not fight traffic or pay for parking. I finally drove on Sunday to church.... I think that Dale and Marissa enjoyed watching my expressions (and of course, they made sure their seat belts were on!).

Healesville and the White Night - Is that full or what?

Our adventures were just beginning at Healesville Sanctuary, we are excited to see what we will encounter. Marissa is hoping for some cuddling Koala time (Dale is secretly thinking the same thing).

There isn't any Koala holding going on but Marissa still seems happy to see them.

If we were that kangaroo, we would want the entire treat too. Why would you want to share it?

We could play this over and over - it just makes us smile! Marissa was really excited to meet him but see what happens...

Don't miss out on the fabulous bird show, 'Spirits of the Sky'.

Who knew that birds are so smart... actually the rumor has been out there for a while but this black breasted buzzard has an edge on smarts.

We don't see signs like this in too many places! We hope to see them crossing our pathway here.

The other show they offer at Healesville is, 'Tales from Platypus Creek'. This is the only Platypus show in the world, so sit back, relax and enjoy a bit of the show.

Look closely as the Platypus keeps swimming up to cuddle her arm.

Melbourne city is a buzz of noise, lights, entertainment, food and an endless amount of people coming to see the 'White Night' extraordinaire.

The theme we noticed over and over at 'White Night' was 'Alice in Wonderland'. Every few minutes the projections on this building would change to a different photo. There were different buildings throughout Melbourne that were being highlighted for this night. The city (which was closed to everything but foot traffic) was bustling with so much activity and adventures to be seen around every corner...many were there until it ended at 7am the next morning. As their Premier pointed out, 'This 12 hour celebration of art, music, film, and dance will light up Melbourne's city streets, laneways, gardens, and buildings, showcasing performers and works from Victoria and around the world."

Not us, we had had a fun filled but exhausting day although we made it 10:30 pm. 

Here is a moving projection on the Flinders St. Train Station.... grab a quick snack and a seat. Enjoy!

Crocodile, Emu, and Kangaroo....but not to pet.

Find local Markets to buy many of the items you would regularly buy at the store. Many of them have interesting food to try, to boot. 
This is one of the many streets in the Queen Victoria Market.

Dale decided to taste a few crazy meat selections: Crocodile, Emu, and Kangaroo..... Marissa and I opted to pass!

This was a little bit more up our ally as far as food goes but by the time we saw it, we had already eaten. It is a must for our next visit. Grilled peaches, vanilla ice cream, with a drizzle of reduced balsamic vinaigrette. Doesn't that wet your appetite? It does that for us in just writing this!

Move over Harry Potter! Marissa found a magical hat made of some sort of seed pods, it was unusually strong. Or was it just magic?

What a way to decorate up the town by covering the trees. Now we know what to do with all the crocheting lessons Michelle's grandmother taught her. Keep an eye out for our trees when we return home:)

Getting there is half the fun unless....

We stopped at our daughters for dinner and one last moment with our little grandson but as we tried to start our car.... the optimum word, tried, it would not. We found a tow company and car shop as our son-in-law whisked us away to the airport. We took a deep breath and realized we had made it in time.

We have been so busy making sure we have everything we needed for our extended stay in Australia that we didn't really sit to relax until we were at the airport and couldn't do anything but wait for our plane. It actually was refreshing.... Yep! The airport was refreshing and relaxing. 

Delta actually handed out treats and water while we waited as a thank you for flying the "Friendly Skies".

The first leg of our trip... L.A. here we come!
We just got the bad news in L.A. that the inflight entertainment system was not going to be working for our flight to Australia... no problem, it's only a 15+ hr. flight. Yikes! I know, what great adventurers we would have been.
While boarding the plane one of the attendants said that it looked like they got it fixed. Do we look a little excited?
That was until the captain came on and reported that there was MORE bad news, not only would the inflight entertainment not work, it also included the reading lights, charging stations, etc....  Now we really needed to think deep for entertainment!
We safely arrived in Sydney.... that is the most important part, right?  Just in time to board our 3rd and last flight to Melbourne. We love the service on Virgin Australia (and they have entertainment, if you download their APP beforehand, which Dale had). 

The ride to Melbourne was smooth flying .... until we reached the ground and found that we were the only passengers standing there wondering where our luggage was and everyone else was gone. Oops, somehow they didn't make it on our flight. It was about this time that Marissa started wondering about our 'blessed' day of flying when the wonderful people at Virgin Australia felt our pain and offered us food vouchers while we waited. This wasn't all bad as we checked in for our rental car, got a bite to eat and PUFF the luggage was there - that was rather quick. Now off to our new 'pad' for the first month of our Australian stay.

We put a lot of thought and searching into finding the apartments (and areas) that we would be staying in. It was great to have Marissa so excited about the art deco decor! 

Here is the outside of our back veranda. So hiply fun!

The first night in Melbourne we took a Tram to the city to enjoy some street performances after all that sitting on the plane and most importantly.... we needed to stay awake, we had to keep walking! 

Where was this guy when we needed entertainment on the flight?

On the way home from our Valentine's Dinner we found a secret little walkway to our new house. What a way to end a 'romantic' dinner and walk......with Marissa:) 
Actually we are really thrilled to have this time with Marissa before she spreads her wings (as she is turning 18 in a few weeks). This is a last for us and we want to cherish all the time we have together. We feel blessed!

Travel Saving Tips:
We talk a lot about using frequent flyer programs to help with the cost of airline tickets. Last year Delta announced their new and improved for 2015 frequent flyer program. Here is a side by side comparison for the same flight last year and this year:

2014 - SLC to LAX - Base Miles ; 590 MQD (now needed for medallion) $75
LAX to SYD - Base Miles - 7487; MQD - $946

2015 - SLC to LAX - Base Miles 200 MQD - $40
LAX to SYD, Base Miles - 2535 MQM - $507

They have not only made it more difficult to become a Medallion member by adding MQD and then only counting less than half the dollars spent, but they also give you less than half the miles flown. Right now we would say that Delta has the worst Frequent Flyer program in the industry.
AAdvantage seems to be leading the pack right now with the most customer friendly program. ‪#‎delta‬ ‪#‎skymiles‬ ‪#‎americanairlines‬‪#‎aadvantage‬

She is back after 12 years!!

We just returned on Sunday and had visitors coming the next day..... we could hardly stand waiting to see them! Axelle was our first exchange student over the 16+ years we have hosted (check out: 

Our family has also been to France to see her and Bri stayed there a few times on subsequent summers. She brought her friend Is Ma En which we enjoyed getting to know.....we hope Axelle warned her about the crazy Bartlett's!

Michelle, Marissa, Bri and Nate, Is Ma En, Axelle

Nate really loves Marissa... who wouldn't?

We ventured out to see a few sites in downtown Salt Lake City... but mostly have time to spend together.

Park City here we come! The Olympic venues are always interesting to see and perhaps we will participate in a few. You will have to wait and see.......

Do you think they won? It is a good thing they don't look scared!

Where were these two when Marissa called the police while we were in Australia because she thought someone was in our house. So brave! 

A close family friend, Lizzy Lambert, who has been studying French and LOVES to cook ... did we mention that she loves to cook, was invited to come practice her French and cook with these two lovely French ladies. There was definitely some cooking magic going on in the kitchen and lots of laughs.

On the weekend we headed up to Cache Valley which is where we lived the two summers Axelle spent with us. On the way we stopped for some 'wholesome' American food from "Wingers". Fried chicken wings and fries - no calories there!

We ended up with a fantastic waiter (with a mullet) who talked a lot with us that evening.  The 'girls' had never heard the term for mullets as:    Business in the Front, Party in the Back
They could not stop laughing, even for this photo. Although it didn't help that he took his mullet and flipped it over his shoulder just to take the photo with them.

If you want to get up-close and personal with a few hundred elk, Hardware Ranch in Hyrum, Utah is a great place to explore. They take you out in their sleighs for a small fee. We were hoping to do a lot of snow sledding but unfortunately this year has been too warm. There was a bit of snow mixed with lots of rocks....not a fabulous combination for sledding. 

After sledding our family and many guests came over for some treats and hot cocoa (for the 'suppose to be COLD day'). Michelle is showing off the French pastries made by Axelle and Is Ma En.
We know.... you wish you could try them.... delectable!

For their last night at our home they planned a French Fondue dinner. Before heading off on their world wind USA tour (they were in NYC for a week, a week in Utah, then a week in LA) they sent us the Raclette machine with some french cheese for the gourmet meal. We actually received it the day they arrived at our home. 

They worked all day (after attending church together) cooking for us, including an apple tart for dinner.  Everyone left feeling happily full from their delicious French dishes. We wished that they would stay longer so that we could get fed like this all the time! Actually we really would have loved to have them stay longer because we had such a wonderful time visiting with them!!

Check out Axelle and Is Ma En's blog... which tells the real story of their visit with us:)