Living in Australia or a vacation?

We have always loved to travel but is it really so different living in another country? Even for a short while, it is much more like living everyday life back home but you get to miss and APPRECIATE all the 
people and things you left at home while taking the time to love new people, new customs, and embrace other cultural distinctions. We haven't done as many 'Touristy' things while here, as we would on vacation but we fit in what we can.
Here is one of the amazing things we are missing back home. Our little grandson is jumping to his Dad singing to him... too sweet!

We found that being in Australia in most respects isn't much different than the USA, other than driving on the other side of the road and trying to figure out what they are really talking about, even though it is suppose to be English. 

Marissa and I stopped in for lunch after a few hours of working at the Op Shop. Marissa thought this was one of the best veggie sandwiches she has ever had... score!

They had their herbs growing in a box next to where we were sitting... yep, I did take a taste or two.

Marissa and I wanted to have some real Aussie experiences while Dale was working so we volunteered at the Sacred Heart Mission. What they really needed most help with was at their Sacred Heart Mission Op Shops (which is a 2nd hand store filled with clothes, household items, furniture, etc... almost anything you might need). They use the $ donated for the homeless that they serve at their mission. It has been a great to work with these diverse and fun people! Marissa and I not only get to enjoy working with them, feeling like we are making a difference, but also meeting so many different people from countries all over the world that shop there. Marissa had the opportunity to train the new volunteer today on the sales counter... even though it was only her second day.

Marissa working at the Op Shop

You would be surprised at the difficulties of getting cell phones, finding food markets and the like. This however is all part of the experience and a whirlwind it has been. Luckily people in Australia are very friendly and willing to lend a hand. 

This little boy was so intent on his photography, I couldn't help myself in capturing a photo of him.

Simple things may be a bit different, even like the mail person... I just had to take this photo because there was such mix of colors. 

We took a little walk on a back walkway after dinner one night and found this fun wall of graffiti. We didn't ever think we would say graffiti was beautiful but Melbourne has proven that it can be.

So far the transportation system of trams, busses, and trains make it easy to just about anywhere. We do have a car but many times it is easier to not fight traffic or pay for parking. I finally drove on Sunday to church.... I think that Dale and Marissa enjoyed watching my expressions (and of course, they made sure their seat belts were on!).

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