A few bumps....

Saturday night while we were gone to 'White Night' we had accidentally left the gas stove on (we didn't notice because the flame had gone out but the gas was still going on high). Once we returned home ....snacked.... showered we went to bed, around midnight Marissa came down and said that she had an extreme headache and stomachache. She proceeded to let us know that she looked around and noticed that the stove was still on so she turned it off. YIKES! How could we have done that?! We opened windows, turned on a fan, and made her come downstairs as her room was upstairs by the kitchen. She woke up not feeling great (of course) but as the day went on she got worse and worse.  We were very concerned, made a few calls to find other ideas for help and took her for a walk for more fresh air.

Monday was like magic...after she had a long night but she was at least a bit more herself. It is Friday now and she is still fighting the headaches and stomachaches but nothing like the first day or so. 

Here are the beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens. We made her take a walk in the fresh air... she could barely make the short walk.

Have you ever had a scary life changing experience and you know that there must of been some heavenly intervention, divine inspiration, or whatever you want to call it? We sure feel like this was one of those times. We feel blessed!!

Dale and I had a great 'date night' out this week at the LDS Melbourne Temple.

 We are settling in quite nicely along with a 'few bumps in the road' but isn't that life wherever you live?

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