Happy 18th Birthday Marissa!

There is magic in the number 18. 

Especially when it is your Birthday and you are officially an adult. Marissa has been waiting for this day for an extended amount of time. Most of us who have passed this threshold probably remember what we did (or possibly didn't do) on that day. Marissa likes the idea of being older so she can finally 'look' older, we try to remind her that one day she will be thrilled to look younger then her peers but that doesn't seem to matter today.

Because she was away from her family and friends back home we wanted to make it special. Although she adores her parents (we took liberty with that, although we are sure it is totally accurate:), it is nice having her friends to celebrate with also.

She had made friends with a local Aussie, Brendan, who decided to organize a party for her. We were thrilled that she would have a few others to celebrate with for this big day!

Her first birthday melody came from Elvis!

We told her that we would be taking her to lunch (because dinner and afterwards was a surprise) she was to decide what restaurant she wanted to enjoy from all the ethnic and culinary food wizards in So. Yarra.  Would you be shocked that she picked an American Icon, 50's diner, 'Soda Rock Diner'. And all because of the barbecue sauce. We do not know where this girl really came from as she could eat BBQ sauce on almost everything, possibly even ice cream. She must have been missing it!

Your food is delivered by a skating waitress who is then proceeds to do a whirl or two leaving your table. Impressive!

Following her total barbecue indulgence (you can even see the extra bowl next to her plate), we headed off to the 'Australian Grand Prix'. We couldn't miss this opportunity since we were already this close, right? 

Brendan met us there and the three of us 'competed' for the win. But of course, it was Marissa's birthday, so we let her think she was the campion. What else could we do?

Dale was super hyped to see a 'Formula 1' car but while he was looking around, I decided to just ask a few questions (I know, I am super shy that way:). Would they allow Marissa to sit in the 'Formula 4' for just a few photos because it WAS her birthday, after all? The guy in charge said that they don't ever let anyone sit in the cars BUT he would make an exception. This is her lucky day!

The young single adults in the area surprised her with flowers to start off the night, what more does a girl need? Along with a full Aussie Barbecue with a little bit of an american twist, a artfully decadent cake from a celebrated bakery, "Le Bon", and games. She seemed elated by the friendship that was shown to someone not only new to the area but leaving the next morning.

Here is a special tribute by her dad:

Today in Australia, tomorrow in the US, is this beautiful girls birthday. What an incredible 18 years it has been, from the time we brought you home from the hospital at just under 5 LBS to now, a beautiful healthy young woman. Thanks for letting us drag you all over the world! I'm not sure there are many 18 year olds that can say they have had their birthday on four continents! I hope today is as special as you are and that there are even more adventures to come. Love you Marissa!

The next morning a few Melbourne friends came to say 'Bon Voyage'. We will miss our newfound home.

Farewell Melbourne!

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