Australia...until we meet again!

We had a wonderful invite for a scrumptious dinner with the Cross family and a few neighbors. Great conversation, fantastic food, and new friends.... these are the 'sweet things' in life!

Our last day here we took a break from packing and decided to do a little paddle boarding with Surf Connect on Sandgate Beach. Why not? This was so much fun we wondered why we had waited so long! It would be great as a daily arm work out and with my 'over 40 arms' that could really be good.

Marissa is loving it!

The Cross's cute little dog 'Patch' always greeted us with some sort of ball or toy in his mouth, hoping we would play for a bit. Marissa couldn't handle how sad he looked after playing ... almost as if he was saying, "One more time ... Please!" 

Our farewell sunset.

We had to get one game in with Finn and Taj before leaving... guess who won????

The Beach House we rented in Brighton, QLD came with   incredibly wonderful and entertaining neighbors (at NO extra charge). Even the dog came to say Good-Bye.

We have met so many wonderful people along our travels in Australia, in some ways it is hard to say to leave but we feel blessed that we shared a moment in our lives together that we will never forget. And we hope that many friends will come and visit or that we can see them again on our travels back 'Down Under'. Thank you to all those that made our experience magical by sharing your lives with us!

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