Farewell to Sydney...

We met a wonderful friend in Melbourne named Lizzy who got us in contact with her sister and family in Sydney. They were so welcoming and even invited us over for an incredible dinner spread... it was so yummy we felt like we ate in a 5 ***** star restaurant.

The conversation and evening with the Thorton's was refreshing, funny and most times, very lively. Wonderful evening.

Good-Bye to Coogee Beach... we will miss you.

The weather was clear and cool but still worthy of a few photos.
Our last night in Sydney found us attending the temple with some new friends, some of the Thorton family was able to join us...  and then a trip for ice cream afterwards. We ordered from a New Zealand Creamery in celebration of our up coming trip to NZ (we were also excited to try something new!). 

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