Our travels Northward.

The thought of driving in the car for 12 hours was not what you would call 'thrilling' but we knew that if we did, we would have time to spend with friends on the Gold Coast. So press forward we did, with some sightseeing along the way (this really helped us stretch our legs before heading off again). And there was amazing scenery all along the way.

We love our family, and we love doing things together but every once in a while when we are stuck in the car together for too long, we need a break or a breather. Maybe not everyone is like that... but we bet most are. We all need a little time apart for a minute and doing a little sightseeing on the way is a perfect way to help that.

Friends told us that the Byron Bay lighthouse was not to be missed. It was so busy that day we had to park in the 2nd parking lot below but along our walk we encounters a group of dolphins (probably about 20) just off shore. It was so incredible watching them catch their dinner in their natural habitat. Apparently that is their home and they can be seen there almost everyday. For those of us that don't live by the ocean, it is exciting to see them even once.

Byron Beach.

We finally made it to the Gold Coast in time for a boat ride with our friends Helen and Peter down the Gold Coast. Marissa and Dale enjoying some father/daughter time up front.

Helen and Marissa enjoying a few 'Nibblies'.

Saying 'Good-Bye' to the Gold Coast and good friends.

As we continued up the coast we took a few walks to some beautiful waterfalls in the Tamborine Mountains. The one above looked pretty lively with people jumping off the rocks over head or sliding down the rocks on the left. When they jumped from the rocks above... I almost screamed with them!

We think this slide was just calling his name.

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